On one fine day, there was a mail in my inbox:

Dear Nila,

I read about Rainbow Reading Gardens that you established and I want to donate my kids’ books as they’re all grown up now”

“I got info about Rainbow Reading Gardens from ‘Google’. At that time I was looking for reading gardens for children that are located outside Jakarta/Java, because in my personal opinion, children who live in outside Java Island, especially in the eastern part of Indonesia, really need story books to broaden their knowledge”

Those were some quotes from Ms. Irma Nayoan in Jakarta.

After receiving my reply, she sent those books to our address in Jakarta.

A few weeks later, I was very surprised when the postman brought a big box to my house. When I opened, I was like, wooowwww!… a pile of Japanese comics for children, my fave when I was young! Some of them were some complete series of Mari-Chan! Woohoooo!!!

Just like a little kid who got a present from her parents, my eyes opened widely seeing the books inside the box. Apart from comics, there were some folktales books for children, too. And all the books were in an excellent condition! “Waaa.. the kids in Flores must be very happy to read them!”, I said to myself.

And now… I’m very happy to announce that these books have arrived in Flores and soon will be enjoyed by the kids in the reading gardens.

After updating the status of those books, Ms. Irma replied:

“Me and my family are very happy to know that those books have reached Flores. We hope that those books would be useful for the local communities there”

“We will spread the words about this project to our friends who sometimes do not know where to donate their books”

Ahhh… thank you so much, Ms Irma and family!  We really appreciate your good will in spreading the words about our project!