Friday is commonly thought of as a short day, but for us there was nothing short about 7thSeptember 2018, because that is the day Rainbow Reading Gardens inaugurated the libraries at SDK Puubheto and SDK Kombandaru, in Ende, Eastern Nusa Tenggara.

The event at SDK Puubheto, the subject of this article, began at 09:00 WITA. The participants included Kanisius Se, a representative from the Department of Education, Mas Djuwita, a representative from the Department of Libraries, as well as the Rainbow Reading Gardens founder, Nila Tanzil.

The headmaster of SDK Puubheto, Blasius Hide, greeted his guests along with the students, who stood neatly at the edges of the entrance. They then led the guests to their respective seats. A traditional Ende scarf, reserved only for ViPs, were given to each of the VIPs at the event as a sign of respect.

Welcoming Guests at SDK Puubheto
Ribbon Cutting to Mark the Inauguration of the Library

SDK Puubheto is one of the schools that previously had no library building. But due to their commitment and desire for a library, they willingly allowed one of their classrooms to be repurposed as a library.

This building was renovated and decorated such that the room became a safe and comfortable place for all of the 144 students at SDK Puubheto.

SDK Puubheto Library after renovations 

With over 1,000 books at the library, the students at SDK Puubheto can now depart to new worlds inside their little heads through the power of books. They can choose which princess to marry, which spaceship to board, and even which dinosaur to battle… all from the comfort of their own library.

One of the Parents Guiding her Child to Pick Books