Mrs Axi is the vice principal of SDK Lena. After the library opening and online Library Management workshop, she could sense the lack of enthusiasm from all teachers to go to the library and do reading activities. This had resulted negatively on the number of the book checkout in the first month.

Diah, the Project Coordinator, discussed with Mrs Axi about the importance of having all teachers to regularly conduct reading activities in the library. They decided to do a follow up in person training after school. With all the teachers, they practiced and did a role play on how to read with good expression and gestures. Diah also started to conduct reading activity observation.


At first, some teachers struggled to read with expression and gestures since they had never been so friendly with and expressive in front of the children. However, after Diah and Mrs Axi reemphasized the positive results of reading activities with expressions, they were becoming more disciplined to read for their students. Also, the school rarely has any professional development programs, but with this training and observation feedback, they felt supported and more enthusiastic. This led to the improvement in reading activities and an increase in the book checkout from 233 in September to 408 in October.

“I was very happy to get the chance to practice together with my colleagues. I can get honest feedback from them, and I can also give them my thoughts on their performance. It feels like I am not alone and now I feel more confident to read in from my students”, said Mrs Olive, the grade IV’s teacher.