We were very honored to participate at the Asia Education Summit “Flexible Learning Strategies For Out-of-School Children” held by UNESCO in Bangkok, Thailand. The 3-day event was attended by education institutions from all over countries including; Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Viet Nam, Laos, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh, the Philippines and many more.
Nila Tanzil, the founder of Taman Bacaan Pelangi was a speaker in the “Ethnic Minorities” session that touched on the subject on how educational organizations and institutions can reach out to children living in remote areas. Nila introduced Rainbow Reading Gardens, which has been committed to nurture the children’s interest in reading by providing access to good quality and age-appropriate books to children in Eastern Indonesia.
Since 2009, with the combined effort and generous donations from extraordinary individuals as well as corporations, Rainbow Reading Gardens has and will continue to extend it’s reach out to the relatively “untouched” islands in Eastern Indonesia.
Being able to speak about our organization in front of so many like-minded colleagues was truly an honor for us. At the summit we had the opportunity to meet with people of different nations who share the same concerns and are currently struggling with similar problems. It’s always refreshing to listen to new ideas and solutions from a different perspective.
It was great to see that there are many people who are committed and have invested a great deal of their time to ensure a better future for our children.
We hope that Rainbow Reading Gardens will continue the spirit of the event and continue its mission to impact the lives of the Indonesian children.
Bangkok, February 2016